In this Online Course you will find in-depth tutorials about Operant Conditioning, the science behind reinforcement and behavior modification for dogs. This is an overview of the key concepts involving this subject. The following course is designed for both dog parents as well as dog trainers, interns and apprentices aspiring to become certified dog trainers. During this online course we will empower you with step-by-step examples, information and definitions that will help you develop a clear understanding of each category of Operant Conditioning and how to ethically employ each concept while using force-free techniques. This educational Online Course will will include easy-to-understand steps with corresponding Video Tutorials that you can follow very easily from anywhere, anytime at the convenience of your own home. This Operant Conditioning Online Course is designed to be taken before or in combination with any of our Online Courses at k9HS Online, or along with any in-person local Long Beach programs at Canine High School. Let's get started!
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app