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By k9HS - Canine High School

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Thank you for your interest in scheduling your in-home Admissions Interview. The interview will be conducted by our head trainer, Carlos F Morales - CPDT-KA, he is a certified temperament test evaluator by the AKC, and he will be conducting the assessment personally. Afterwards he will be tailoring a customized training plan to meet your pup's behavioral goals, compatible with both your family and pup.

There is a $99 charge for this service, 100% of which will be applied to your Private or School Pricing plan when you sign up for services.

As part of your Admissions Interview please fill out this Assessment Questionnaire about your pup’s details including history, health, home and neighborhood environment, etc. All factors that will be taken into consideration for your training plan. Your information will be safely put into your file and we can move forward to scheduling your in-home Assessment!


When you click submit you will be taken to the booking page to schedule your Admissions Call. 

Looking forward to meeting you and your pup in-person!

Carlos F Morales - CPDT-KA

I am interested in
Do you have access to private outdor space?
Is your pup Spayed/Neutered?
Was your pup neutered or spayed past 12 months of age?
Has your pup nipped or bitten a human?
Has your pup nipped or bitten another pup?
Is your pup crate trained?
Do you have an enclosed yard?
Does your pup play well with: (check all that apply)
Did you take your pup to a puppy class (under 6 months)?
Have you trained a pup in the past?
Have you attended group or private training with your pup?
Please check off all the behaviors/cues your pup knows:

Call us today!


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