Welcome to our Foundations Series self-study materials and courses, each module is designed to provide theoretical and practical information for puppy parents, and new adoptions parents. First-time pet-parents benefit a lot from this series. This comprehensive program will answer many questions and provide you with the tools that you need to make better decisions as you embark on your journey for a happy, well-adjusted, polite and social dog.
Virtual 1-on-1 sessions are also available to any parent in need of personalized instruction from our trainers. During our virtual sessions or courses, we pledge to use empathy and compassion when offering feedback. We want to highlight our commitment to use mindfulness when communicating with our clients, some situations may be very private and we will always respect your privacy and be tactful when bringing up an observation. While we will always be tactful, respectful and kind, we will also be factual and honest with you when there is something that is causing a dog harm.